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Ketosis is a state the body enters when on a ketogenic diet. It’s a natural body process that has many benefits, including weight loss, reduced inflammation, cancer prevention, and more.

The aim of a ketogenic diet is to consume more fat to burn more fat. In this diet fat makes up the largest percentage of macronutrients, followed by a moderate amount of proteins and a very minimal amount of carbohydrates. As carbohydrates are practically eliminated or greatly minimized and the intake of natural fat is increased, the body adapts to this and begins producing its own energy in a process called ketosis.

Fat does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels or release insulin. So it becomes a pure and nutritious source of energy.

In a nutshell: A ketogenic diet is one with a moderate amount of protein, a high percentage of fat intake, and minimal consumption of carbohydrates, which consequently allows the body to use its fat for energy.

How does Ketosis work?

  • Your calories on a ketogenic diet are based on fat intake. The more fat you eat, the less protein and carbohydrates your body needs.
  • The body uses carbohydrates first because it’s the easiest to convert into energy, but they aren’t essential to our bodies like other macronutrients nor is it the only way to obtain energy.Once you stop eating carbs, the body has the ability to metabolize fat and protein for energy.
  • Eating too much protein is counterproductive because it can affect blood sugar levels. Too much protein will turn into sugar and can prevent the process of ketosis from occurring.
  • Since the brain cannot use fat in its original form, it must burn, then convert, and generate ketones in order for our bodies to obtain energy. The more ketones there are in the body, the more our blood sugars go down which is why we lose weight. 

Keto vs Paleo 

As you already know, we are very fond of healthy lifestyles. One of the diets that shares our natural philosophy is the Paleolithic diet. That being said, the Ketogenic diet and the Paleolithic diet have a lot in common.

Both have similar methods and long-term goals such as maintaining a stable weight, better overall health, and eliminating processed foods in exchange for nutrient-rich natural foods. The differences between the two lie in how food is distributed and which foods you’re allowed to eat. A typical ketogenic diet doesn’t allow you to eat fruits, while Paleo does. Still, both have the following similar characteristics:

  • Intake of high quality fats 
  • Moderate consumption of high quality proteins
  • A minimal amount of carbohydrates. Muy pocos hidratos de carbono ingeridos. In the case of healthy carbs they only come from fruits and some tubers like sweet potatoes which are allowed.
  • High intake of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants from vegetables.


  • Your body will no longer be physically dependent on carbohydrates 

Your body becomes self-sufficient and receives its energy from fat. When we are dependent on carbohydrates, we become prone to disorders like diabetes, insulin resistance, and inflammation to name just a few. We also get used to having a low functioning metabolism, when our bodies are totally capable of generating its own energy. 

  • Ketogenic diets don’t count calories or measure out portions

We eat until we are satisfied and this lasts throughout the day as the kinds of foods we’re eating leave us feeling full for longer. 

  • Both your body weight and blood sugar levels stabilize 

This is something that people who’s weight generally tends to yoyo will notice a lot. It will prevent nutritional disorders that make us prone to disease. 

  • Feel full for longer

Diets where quality fat and protein intake is low result in the need to eat calories from starchy carbohydrates and sugar. A ketogenic diet, and the natural Paleo diet, solve this problem by keeping you full for longer thanks to the increase in fat and protein consumption.

  • Beneficial for some diseases 

Recent studies have seen improvements in diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, obesity, celiac disease, and others when following a ketogenic diet.

What do you think of the ketogenic diet?

Niklas Gustafson
Post author
Niklas Gustafson

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