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These superfoods are key to having a healthy diet. You might be wondering, which ones we consider to be superfoods and why? With a quick google search we can find hundreds of articles based on scientific studies that suggest that certain superfoods benefit our health. But, what are they and how can we distinguish them correctly?

A superfood is one that provides us with a higher concentration of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants with just a small quantity. 

They are superfoods thanks to their antioxidants: molecules that protect cells from free radicals that our body generates naturally and external ones that come from things such as pollution, tobacco smoke and alcohol. This process helps prevent aging, cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases.

Superfoods are naturally present in a healthy diet, but I think the following deserve special recognition.

Which Foods are Superfoods?

In this list we breakdown some of the most popular superfoods so that you can start to add them to your diet and take advantage of their benefits.

  • Organic-Fed Beef: It’s leaner, rich in omega-3s and has better quality protein because it grows in a natural environment.
  • Free-Range or Organic Eggs: Contain vitamin B12, vitamin D, riboflavin and folic acid. In addition, the yolk is one of the best sources of choline, an essential nutrient for the functioning of the heart and brain.
  • Wild Salmon: It offers the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids, essential amino acids, and vitamins A, D, B, and E and, unlike farmed salmon, is not contaminated with pesticides and other contaminants.
  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale or Swiss chard are vegetables with high levels of magnesium and folic acid.
  • Avocado: Avocado is rich in folic acid – cholesterol-lowering fat – and is a source of potassium, a mineral responsible for regulating blood pressure and preventing heart disease. It is also a food that contains high amounts of vitamins, antioxidants and healthy fats.
  • Broccoli: It contains many nutrients such as folic acid, soluble fiber, vitamins C, A and K – the most important because it helps to strengthen the bones- and calcium, all of which are necessary for many processes within the body to function properly. In addition, broccoli belongs to the family of cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, bok choy and cabbage or cabbage) whose compounds improve the body’s ability to prevent the growth of cancer cells.
  • Kiwi: It prevents aging, it has a lot of soluble fiber that improves digestion and prevents constipation, and nourishes the skin thanks to its rich content of vitamin E and antioxidants.
  • Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are undoubtedly having their moment and rightly so. With 10 grams of fiber and 5 grams of protein per tablespoon, this seed is very rich in nutrients. It is a true source of Omega 3 fats, calcium and phosphorous
  • Spirulina: This algae has existed on the planet for approximately 3 million years and can do wonders for our health as it is a great source of nutrients and antioxidants. It is rich in beta-carotene, zinc, vitamin C, E and B12 – being the natural food with the highest amount of this vitamin – and contains 21 of the 23 essential and non-essential amino acids. It’s also a natural source of protein, helps regulate blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, and strengthens the immune system.
  • Cacao: Cacao also known as Cocoa is an essential component in making chocolate – it’s rich in iron, vitamin C, magnesium and fatty acids that promote a healthy nervous system. It’s also rich in antioxidants and can be very beneficial for our health when organic and without added sugars.
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil:Coconut oil is one of the best fats that exist because it doesn’t burn as easily as others and therefore is an excellent option for cooking the food we eat. It is a saturated fat that is digested directly through the liver and converted into energy, speeding up our metabolism.
  • Walnuts: They provide protein, fiber and antioxidants that help keep cholesterol levels low and reduce the risk of disease. They are especially beneficial for the brain because they improve memory and cognitive processes that decline with age.

We are what we eat! So it’s important that we include these and other superfoods into our daily diet so we stay balanced and receive the most natural nutrients there are to help improve our health. Which ones are your favorite? Tell us in the comments below! 


Niklas Gustafson
Post author
Niklas Gustafson

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