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Nutritious Ice Cream you can enjoy every day of the week!

Estimated reading time: 2 minute(s)

Ice Cream, but healthy. As we are now at the peak of summer few things seem as appetizing as a nice, cold scoop of ice cream.  Refreshing, delicious, and with an abundant amount of flavors it is hard to get bored. The problem is that the majority of brands we find at the supermarket aren’t healthy

Industrial ice creams are the worst as they contain large amounts of sugar, which usually appear on the label under the name glucose syrup, or dextrose and often time contain more than one kind which all adds up to an excessive amount of refined sugars. According to data found by influencer, Carlos Ríos the popular McDonald’s McFlurry contains 62 grams of sugar. The WHO (World Health Organization) sets the permitted limit for an adult at 25 grams, making the sugar content in the McFlurry even more alarming.

Additionally, it has recently been discovered that many ice creams were contaminated with ethylene oxide, a toxic and carcinogenic substance. It has been detected in the preservative E410, a very common thickener to improve the texture of ice cream. 

I personally love ice cream, but the good kind. I want the food that I put into my body to be nutritious and safe. I think that if when we opt for healthy, homemade ice cream with natural ingredients, it is easily something we can enjoy every day.

They key ingredients to my healthy ice cream recipes


In every recipe I give you today there isn’t a gram of sugar, yet the ice cream is sweet. The reason: ripe fruit. By replacing sugar with a ripe fruit you get a natural sweetener. Two of my favorites are banana and apple.

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Peach and Cashew Nut Ice Cream 

Peach and Cashew Nut Ice Cream 

Course Tags Dessert, Snack
Keyword cashews, ice cream, peach
Total Time 15 minutes


  • 350 gr peach or apricot
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 200 ml  milk
  • 125 gr cashew cream
  • 1 lemon (juice)
  • 1 lemon (zest)
  • A mint leaf for decoration


  1. Freeze your banana without the peel prior to making.

  2. Wash and cut into slices the peach or apricot so that they blend easily. Set aside in the fridge.

  3. While it's in the fridge, extract the juice from your lemon and grate the peel to get the zest.

  4. Next take all the ingredients and blend them together until you get a uniform texture. If you want it to have a heavier texture you can freeze it for a while afterward.

  5. Serve in a glass of your choosing, and place the mint leaf on top as a decorative touch. You can also add a few slices of fruit and drizzle some cashew cream on top for a professional finish.

Greek Yogurt 

This kind of yogurt not only gives your ice cream an ultra-creamy texture but also has less sugar and lactose and twice the protein of traditional yogurt.

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Yogurt Popsicles with Fruit & Granola

Course Tags Appetizer, Dessert, Snack
Keyword granola,ice cream, yogurt


  • 160 gr of granola
  • 1 ½ tbsp crushed dates or honey 
  • Fruit to taste 
  • 560 gr greek yogurt 


  1. Mix the granola with the dates or honey and divide the mixture evenly for the popsicles.

  2. Place the granola mixture either at the bottom of the mold or on the side.

  3. Combine the fruit and yogurt together and mix well.

  4. Now place the yogurt mixture in the mold on top of the granola or next to the granola.

  5. Next add the popsicle stick into the middle of the mixture and place the mold in the freezer for 3 to 4 hours.


The perfect antioxidant and a favorite among Spaniards. When we choose natural cocoa to make ice cream, we include so many nutritious benefits to our dessert: it provides energy, is filling, puts us in a good mood, prevents oxidative stress, improves brain function, and contains a lot of fiber.

If you want to know more about Cocoa and all its benefits make sure to check out this post.

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Chocolate Ice Cream

Course Tags Dessert, Snack
Keyword chocolate, ice cream
Servings 2 people


For the Ice Cream:

  • 3 frozen bananas
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract

For the chocolate sauce:



  1. Beat all the ice cream ingredients together with a mixer or an ice cream machine.

  2. Melt the chocolate bar with the butter and cocoa powder in a bain-marie until the texture is smooth and creamy.

  3. Place the ice cream in a bowl and garnish with the chocolate cream and the Cacao & Nuts.

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3 Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream 

3 Ingredient Chocolate Ice Cream 

Course Tags Dessert, Snack
Coisine Tags Italian
Keyword cacao, chocolate, ice cream
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 5 hours
Servings 4 people


  • 100 gr cacao powder
  • 3 ripe previously frozen bananas
  • 1 tbsp natural vanilla essence


  • Fruit, nut and seed granola
  • Nut cream
  • Small cacao bites


  1. Defrost the bananas a little ahead of time so they are easier to blend. The riper they are the sweeter your ice cream will be.

  2. Break up the banana and blend it with the cacao powder, add in the vanilla and blend well.

  3. When you start to get an ice cream-like texture stick the mixture into the freezer.

  4. It will need at least 5 hours to freeze properly, but if you leave it overnight it will be great and ready to go the next day. Add your favorite topping: fruit, nut and seed granola, or some small cacao bites and start eating!

Chia Seeds

The best thing about using chia seeds is that when added to water they create a gelatinous mucilage that helps give the ice cream the perfect texture. 

Plus it is a superfood! It protects the heart and lowers cholesterol, prevents cellular aging, is rich in fiber and protein, and improves bone health because it contains more calcium than milk. What more could you want?

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helado de chía y frutos rojos

Helado de chía y frutos rojos

Course Tags Dessert, Snack
Keyword chía, frutos rojos, helado


  • 2 cdas semillas de chía
  • 1 taza leche de coco
  • 1 bolsa snack fruit mix
  • 1 taza arándanos
  • 15 ml azúcar de coco
  • 2 cdas coco rallado (opcional)


  1. En un bol o recipiente grande mezcla las semillas de chía con la leche de coco, los arándanos, el coco rallado y snack fruit mix.

  2. Remueve bien hasta que todo se mezcle. Si lo prefieres, puedes machacar un poco los arándanos para que no queden trozos muy grandes.

  3. Pon en un molde para helados la mezcla y al congelador por unas 3 horas aproximadamente. Si no tienes un molde o prefieres hacerlo en “bolitas” como es mi caso, vierte la mezcla en un tupper.

  4. Cuando esté congelado y tenga esa textura de helado, sácalo del congelador y sírvelo como más te guste.


Es una receta muy sencilla que os llevará muy poco tiempo prepararla y, muy poco tiempo comerla, ¡porque está deliciosa!

Peanut Butter 

Peanut Butter is definitely having a moment right now. It is the latest craze and we are here for it. It is so versatile you can use it on toast, in breakfast bowls or in smoothies, and yes in your ice cream too! A healthy peanut butter-flavored ice cream? Count me in!;)

Disclaimer: remember that not all peanut butter is created equal. Make sure that what you buy only says crushed peanuts on the label. This ice cream recipe is the perfect reason to try our Natruly Peanut Butter if you haven’t already. It is our best-seller whose smooth, creamy texture makes it easy to spread and easy to handle.

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Helado de crema de cacahuete

Course Tags Dessert, Snack
Keyword cacahuete, helado


  • 100 ml leche de coco
  • 100 ml leche almendras
  • 200 gr crema cacahuete
  • 45 ml miel
  • 1 huevo
  • 1 pizca sal


  1. En un bowl añade la leche de coco junto la leche de almendras y la crema de cacahuete.

  2. Remueve muy bien hasta conseguir que la crema de cacahuete quede bien integrada en la mezcla.

  3. Ahora añade los 45 ml de miel una pizca de sal y vuelve a remover bien.

  4. Por último, echa el huevo en la masa y remueve para hasta que se quede bien mezclado. El huevo le dará más textura de helado, por eso siempre lo uso cuando hago cualquier tipo de helado.

  5. Coloca la masa en un molde para helados. Yo he utilizado estos con forma de polo, pero podéis elegir el que más os guste.

Niklas Gustafson
Post author
Niklas Gustafson

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